Julkaise sisältöä julkisessa profiilissasi

Julkaise ja hallinnoi helposti suuria kuvakokoelmia, videoita, koulutusmateriaaleja, äänitiedostoja, kirjoja ja asiakirjoja

Customize your profile page

Miten se toimii?


Personalize your public profile page

The public profile page will be like your catalog where visitors can access your public files.
Customize your profile page to suit your style and purpose! Add a description and profile picture or logo, choose colors and a background image.

Upload files to your account

Share and collect pictures and videos from events.

If the events take place again, this will be a great place where the visitor can view the content from both current and earlier events.

Use your public profile as your portfolio or store.

Sort content so that it\'s easy for a visitor to browse - create folders by categories, dates, file types.

Post informative or educational content.

Those can be training or conference materials, various documents (descriptions, licenses, drawings, technical projects, etc.).

If necessary, you can grant access only to a specific group of users with password access.

Share, sell and receive files yourself

Share your photos, videos, documents, and other files publicly. If you have indicated that files are publicly available to everyone, users will also find them in the section.Files.fm Stream
Start earning! Specify a price for the entire folder or specific file and provide an opportunity to purchase it for any visitor or only for a specific customer.
Organize events or training? The file upload form allows users to send files to you.

Features and benefits

Publish pictures from events
Share sports, culture, etc. event pictures. Visitors to the event will be able to view and download pictures that interest them.
Read more about publishing images with recognition technology here.
Earn with your content
Sell ​​self-created pictures, videos, music, study materials and other content that would be useful to an audience.
If the content you sell is high-quality and valuable, you will be able to purchase it not only in your profile, but also in the shared "Library" file catalog.
Receive files from others
Enable “Send” and receive files from profile visitors.
If a visitor sends the content to you using the file upload form, you\'ll be able to easily receive, store, and manage all the recieved files in one place.
Control access options
Decide how you want to share your content. You have the opportunity to give completely free access to your files, just allow to view, but not allow to download, set a password or price. You\'re in control of your content - change settings for an entire folder or for an individual file at any time.
Organize registration
An event or online training requires a registration?
Activate the "Register" option and easily collect data from potential visitors.
Keep track of your content statistics
View, download, and voting statistics are available for files.

Choose a plan and start creating your own public profile page

20 Gt tallennustilaa kuukaudessa
Store and share documents
Muunna asiakirjat PDF -muotoon
Suosituimmat ominaisuudet
Säästät 24$
$7,9 /month
$9,9 /month
118,8$ 94,80$ Vuosittain
Kolme kertaa nopeampi lataus
2TB tallennustilaa
50GB tiedostokoko
Ei mainoksia
Salasanalla suojatut linkit
Aseta poistopäivämäärä
Tiedostojen palautus 30 päivää
Reaaliaikainen asiakirjaeditori
Medadata: XMP, IPTC, Exif
AI speech to text
Säästät 72$
$19 /month
$25 /month + VAT
300$ 228$ + VAT Vuosittain
Mukana 2 Tt ja 4 käyttäjää
Tehokkaammat palvelimet
Asiakirjojen sähköinen allekirjoittaminen
Tiedoston koko jopa 200 Gt
Tiedoston versiointi
Tiedostojen palautus jopa 1 vuosi
2FA ja suojausasetukset
Sähköposti-ilmoitukset tiedostojen toiminnasta
Tekninen tuki
Säästät 312$
$99 /month
$125 /month + VAT
1500$ 1188$ + VAT Vuosittain
Mukana 5Tt ja 10 käyttäjää
Yritysten tallennustaso
Liiketoiminnan ominaisuudet ja laskutus
Tiedoston koko jopa 400 Gt
Tiedoston versiointi
Tiedostojen palautus jopa 5 vuotta
2FA ja suojausasetukset
Toiminta- ja tiedostojen käyttöloki
Liiketoiminnan tekninen tuki
Käyttäjäryhmän hallinta
Joukkosisällön tunnistus ja haku

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